Release Notes (v24.04)
Bug fixes
- Fix a bug that has been causing concentrations in the building since version 23.11 for flat terrain and certain building configurations.
- Fix a bug that leads to high wind speeds near the ground when transferring the GRAMM wind profile to the GRAL Grid
- Correct the plume rise calculation, as since version 23.11 the plume rise is too high for very small point sources
New features
- Enable the optional usage of AVX512 processor extension for flow field calculations
- The application has been transformed to .NET8
- With .NET8, the current performance improvements and bug fixes are adopted
A MONO version of the GUI is also available for Linux users
- With .NET8, the current performance improvements and bug fixes are adopted
- The GRAL release is no longer published as all-in-one file by default
- This means that user must install .NET8 Runtime (Windows OS requires the .NET8 Desktop Runtime) and therefore benefits in several ways
▪ Smaller published files
▪ Fewer false warnings from anti-virus programs
▪ Better performance
▪ Individual setting options from Runtime for the respective computer in the *.runtimecon-fig.json file
▪ Same compilation for Windows, Linux and MacOS
- This means that user must install .NET8 Runtime (Windows OS requires the .NET8 Desktop Runtime) and therefore benefits in several ways
For windows users, a published version as a single-fill is still available in a separate download
Changes in ...
- Layout Manager, Screenshot
- Scale bar and contour map color scale
- “Select multiple points”-Dialog
- Enable a user defined path for the emission modulation settings and result files
- Additional output in the evaluation info forms
- Rendering contour maps when needed only