Graz Lagrangian Model


Dispersion of chemically non-reactive pollutants.

Computation of so-called odour-hours based on a recently developed concentration-variance model.

Dry and wet (only in transient mode) deposition and sedimentation.

Dispersion from road tunnel portals. GRAL fulfils the requirements of the Technical Guideline RVS 04.02.12 in Austria.

Dispersion over the full range of wind speeds without any lower threshold, and for all stability conditions.

Dispersion in built-up areas, including building downwash effects.

Dispersion of stack emissions, taking into account temperature and exit velocity.

Dispersion in complex terrain, allowing for the effects of buildings.

Decay rates (e.g. bacteria die off, radioactive decay)

Flow and dispersion within vegation layers

The model can handle steady-state (standard mode) as well as transient simulations (e.g. puff releases)